dyndns 12000 forumI added the word forum because otherwise google returns plenty of websites with useless clines built only to get web traffic. The forums are the best place to search for free CCcam servers. So by now, we may have a quite large cline list but the most part of it will be outdated. That's why I built the CLine Tester tool. Basically, it takes a list of clines and determine which are still valid. By valid I mean the CCcam server accepts the username and the password. Unfortunately somebody else may already be using that cline. You will notice it because you will be disconnected each 5 secs or so (or it will show 0 cards). That is because when you login to the CCcam server you disconnect any previous client logged with the same credentials. But once disconnected, this one will try to reconnect, disconnecting you this time. There's no download for the cline tester. It's a web application located at the home page of this site. If you need help, check this video for step by step instructions:
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saash said on March 13, 2013 at 11:45 pm
Can I please ask for Cline for all Sky- UK, Italia, etc..
Many Thanks
monticelli said on March 16, 2013 at 7:05 am
clines svp merci
lejla said on March 1, 2013 at 3:13 pm
i need c-line for bullsat (hellas sat)
write on mail lejladurakovic@rocketmail.com
gazmend said on February 26, 2013 at 3:16 am
JSC Sport+ please send me cline pleaseee
gazmend said on February 26, 2013 at 3:16 am
gazi083@gmail.com, please
Anto said on February 16, 2013 at 7:49 pm
please need sky italy cline anybody can help thanks
abdelatif said on February 9, 2013 at 9:56 pm
C: Free.cccamfullhd.com 26500 JSC-VIOA,1 www.CCcamFullHD.com
C: Free.cccamfullhd.com 26500 JSC-VIOA,2 www.CCcamFullHD.com
C: Free.cccamfullhd.com 26500 JSC-VIOA,3 www.CCcamFullHD.com
C: Free.cccamfullhd.com 26500 JSC-VIOA,4 www.CCcamFullHD.com
C: Free.cccamfullhd.com 26500 JSC-VIOA,5 www.CCcamFullHD.com
C: Free.cccamfullhd.com 26500 JSC-VIOA,6 www.CCcamFullHD.com
C: Free.cccamfullhd.com 26500 JSC-VIOA,7 www.CCcamFullHD.com
C: Free.cccamfullhd.com 26500 JSC-VIOA,8 www.CCcamFullHD.com
C: Free.cccamfullhd.com 26500 JSC-VIOA,9 www.CCcamFullHD.com
C: Free.cccamfullhd.com 26500 JSC-VIOA,10 www.CCcamFullHD.com
mick said on February 10, 2013 at 8:53 pm
hi could i get a cline for sky uk sports please
wazzheed@hotmail.com cheers
abdelatif said on February 9, 2013 at 9:47 pm
slt donne se serveur cccam
mon email : atmoun1987@gmail.com
pawel1310 said on January 26, 2013 at 1:44 pm
C: server-123.dyndns.org 12200 Rainer maike137
C: mmss.no-ip.info 25000 paulkkhh paullkahh
C: mmss.no-ip.info 12000 paulkkhh paullkahh
C: liquid-cristal.hopto.org 1705 monca-alb048 monca-alb048 no { 0:0:3 } # v2.1.1-2971 # v2.1.1-2971
C: balota.dyndns.biz 13002 EUCuber vortex
C: duoliteone.misconfused.org 6666 SafetMedo medosafetRTT55TR
C: ana.dyndns.tv 15000 dreamjuventus.b cstartfullhot
C: dream-sat4.dyndns.org 14000 dreamsat202 a1147a
C: newapolo.hopto.org 7777 monca-alb048 monca-alb048 no { 0:0:3 } # v2.0.11-2892 # v2.0.11-2892
mario said on January 22, 2013 at 4:12 pm
nessuno che ha un test per me……….
mario said on January 21, 2013 at 10:26 pm
qualcuno può inviarmi un test line per favore
Melgas said on January 18, 2013 at 7:24 pm
May you give me the script of this test box please?
Thanks and hugs.