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CCcam & Newcam line tester

*If you click the above button, the green lines will be published in the free cccam servers section of this website.

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What is Testious?

Testious is a web application built to test multiple cccam and newcam lines at once.

How it works?

Insert the lines in the textarea, click the process button and wait for the results. Testious will then connect to each line and report its status to you.

Alternatively, you can use the second input box to get the shares available for a single c-line.

What lines can be tested?

Testious accepts c-lines and n-lines in cccam format:

C-line syntax:

C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password>
e.g. C: yourhost.dyndns.org 12000 user pass

N-line syntax:

N: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <deskey>
e.g. N: yourhost.dyndns.org 1234 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

The results

The tested lines are printed according to the following color codes:

Good lines. User/pass is correct but for CCcam v2.0.11 and below, the line may be in use.
Good lines but already in use by someone else. Works only with CCcam v2.1.0 and greater.
Wrong credentials. Bad username/password.
Dead host or too slow. Host not responding in the allowed time or syntax error.

Additionally, testious will append the cccam version or the available share at the end of the line.

  1. Ady said on May 10, 2013 at 7:41 pm

    C: oransat.zapto.org 24400 ferorans2 oransat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 24400 ferorans48 oransat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 24400 ferorans50 oransat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 22600 ferorans1 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 22600 ferorans3 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 22600 ferorans2 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 22600 ferorans48 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 22600 ferorans49 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 22600 ferorans50 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 29000 ferorans1 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 29000 ferorans2 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 29000 ferorans3 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 29000 ferorans48 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 29000 ferorans50 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 34200 ferorans1 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 34200 ferorans3 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 34200 ferorans2 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 34200 ferorans48 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 34200 ferorans49 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 34200 ferorans50 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: oransat.zapto.org 29000 ferorans49 oransat.com # v2.1.4-2892

  2. bob said on May 10, 2013 at 7:26 pm

    hi mates
    can anyone contact me for selling a good and no freeze N line….i can buy it…..monthly my interest is sky italia full HD + primafila hd

  3. valy311980 said on May 10, 2013 at 7:13 pm

    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 ner7vw uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 oi246q uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 jko6so uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 egvrvn uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 gkgy6q uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 yu4kp6 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 4cm8p8 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 e8h9hn uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 qlx0no uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 ph356a uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 clrbkk uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 scdp2p uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 uribej uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 7w017d uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 ufnnd3 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 vlap3e uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 xjylng uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 l3xht6 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 8hfy2l uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 psws8q uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 7ps41p uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 t0sd0j uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 2v5w5b uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 avbx0s uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 lvc69n uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 sld3gn uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 cqb8w0 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 7x54n7 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 as42b3 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 e0ym4v uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 x8oil0 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 29rb9j uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 nuxq9f uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 fu1jmg uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 dry75t uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 ojfrfb uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 64uccr uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 4m66kk uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 w7ems4 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 rd3f3h uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 chh03e uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 mn0432 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 o6i6bw uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 txjr5b uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 fnmjfd uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 beio7e uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 4jufv1 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 xus9pw uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 nbshtk uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 epltac uydulife.tv

  4. arif said on May 10, 2013 at 7:01 pm

    ciao a tutti
    per favore una c-line fre sky ita grazie mille

    zdravo svima ako ima neko viska c-line
    za sky ita free zaxvaljujem unapred


  5. Ady said on May 10, 2013 at 6:33 pm

    Looking DigiTV … Bartered … Sharing still love.
    Only respond to those who send test line!

  6. badrehdtv said on May 10, 2013 at 4:26 pm

    +++++ free cccam servers +++++
    ***** host: cccam version: 2.0.11-2892 shares: 74

    C: 12540 o9w3tt showsat.org
    C: 12540 5of020 showsat.org
    C: 12540 yvk7e4 showsat.org
    C: 12540 cs3ks1 showsat.org
    C: 12540 g8dnyu showsat.org
    C: 12540 mtrsv4 showsat.org
    C: 12540 ki7imm showsat.org
    C: 12540 io054v showsat.org
    C: 12540 fwei4e showsat.org
    C: 12540 ix82c1 showsat.org
    C: 12540 vlenjy showsat.org
    C: 12540 duxh9p showsat.org
    C: 12540 tui85r showsat.org
    C: 12540 7ff9g9 showsat.org
    C: 12540 u7tw1v showsat.org
    C: 12540 l1t9mv showsat.org
    C: 12540 ww3gfe showsat.org
    C: 12540 inv932 showsat.org
    C: 12540 o081f5 showsat.org
    C: 12540 xg9sn8 showsat.org

  7. Kresimir said on May 10, 2013 at 4:07 pm

    jel ima tko s nasi prostora da mi posalje c line. Hvala


  8. billingtv said on May 10, 2013 at 7:58 am

    N: 9012 test test 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    Sky Italia

  9. nfl said on May 9, 2013 at 10:53 pm

    po pse jo ama e ki emailin tim dhe bisedojm

  10. nfl said on May 9, 2013 at 9:31 pm

    kush ka per ndrrim linjash
    emaili im

    • hard said on May 9, 2013 at 10:27 pm

      te jap nje cline per tring e digitalb me jep nje per sky.it pa ngecje

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