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CCcam & Newcam line tester

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*If you click the above button, the green lines will be published in the free cccam servers section of this website.

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What is Testious?

Testious is a web application built to test multiple cccam and newcam lines at once.

How it works?

Insert the lines in the textarea, click the process button and wait for the results. Testious will then connect to each line and report its status to you.

Alternatively, you can use the second input box to get the shares available for a single c-line.

What lines can be tested?

Testious accepts c-lines and n-lines in cccam format:

C-line syntax:

C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password>
e.g. C: yourhost.dyndns.org 12000 user pass

N-line syntax:

N: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <deskey>
e.g. N: yourhost.dyndns.org 1234 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

The results

The tested lines are printed according to the following color codes:

Good lines. User/pass is correct but for CCcam v2.0.11 and below, the line may be in use.
Good lines but already in use by someone else. Works only with CCcam v2.1.0 and greater.
Wrong credentials. Bad username/password.
Dead host or too slow. Host not responding in the allowed time or syntax error.

Additionally, testious will append the cccam version or the available share at the end of the line.

  1. SCHEISSERLE said on February 14, 2014 at 9:15 am

    Host : sat4nile.zapto.org
    DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
    PORT : 1000 – CAID : 0604 Nova (13E) , ART (7W)
    PORT : 1001 – CAID : 0603 JSC beIN Sport
    PORT : 1002 – CAID : 0500 HRT (13E) , Canal+ Marghreb , SRG Swiss , JSC (13E)
    PORT : 1003 – CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E) , Orbit (26E)
    PORT : 1004 – CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
    PORT : 1005 – CAID : 09CD SKY Italia (13E)
    PORT : 1006 – CAID : 1702 Sky Deutschland (19E)
    PORT : 1007 – CAID : 0963 Sky Digital UK (28E)
    PORT : 1008 – CAID : 1803 Polsat HD (13E)
    PORT : 1011 – CAID : 090D yes (4W)
    PORT : 1012 – CAID : 0D00 MTV , BFBS (7E) , DigiTurk (7E)
    PORT : 1013 – CAID : 0500 CanalSat (19E)
    PORT : 1018 – CAID : 1810 DigitAlb (30W/19E)
    PORT : 1020 – CAID : 0500 JSC beIN Sport
    PORT : 1023 – CAID : 0D08 AlMajd (30E/26E)
    USER : rooney1 –> rooney500
    PASS : sat4nile.com

  2. dread said on February 13, 2014 at 7:17 pm

    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 6scg3o star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 39sdtr star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 f927we star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 3ccya7 star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 8yejmn star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 1qvm8d star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 ppyjwy star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 lunc7c star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 92gbbn star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 ow8khy star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 575ey3 star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 rbulee star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 8jcphx star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 6laows star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 675pe7 star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 ti9plk star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 tcps96 star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 33251c star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 7la0cw star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 g0c5ip star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 q9turg star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 f2skj8 star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 5awuns star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 sta7ta star7arab
    C: 4you.no-ip.org 12000 rclbf5 star7arab

  3. SCHEISSERLE said on February 13, 2014 at 4:33 am

    HOST : 3gyptsat.sytes.net
    3000 art 0604
    3001 bein sports 0603
    3002 0500
    3004 biss tv 0500
    3005 srg 0500
    3006 bein sports 0500
    3007 cyfra+ 0100
    3008 sky it 09CD
    3009 sky it 093B
    3010 sky de 1702
    3011 yes tv 090D
    3012 digiturk 0D00
    5501 digital + 1810
    5507 sky uk 0963
    5511 plosat 1803
    5516 tring tv 0BAA
    5517 digitalbania 0B00
    5520 conto tv 0B01
    5521 lig tv 0664 not work
    5522 pink tv 091F not work
    5523 viasat 090F
    5524 hellasat 0654
    5525 dogan tv 092B not work
    5526 bfbs 0D07 not work
    5527 tv cabo 1802
    5528 bein sports 0627
    5529 sky28 0D03
    5530 sky de 09C4
    5531 sky de 1722
    5532 canalsat 0500
    5533 upc 0D02
    5534 satalite bg 0D96
    5535 digi tv 1880
    5536 viasat 093E
    5537 skylink 0d96
    5538 digital+ 0100
    5539 canalsat 0100
    5540 HD+ 1843
    5541 tivusat 183d
    5542 MBC HD 0B00
    5543 upc 0B02
    USER : skin1 =====> skin100
    PASS :3gyptsat.com

  4. pedro said on February 13, 2014 at 4:06 am

    C: lamccam.zapto.org 19100 powercccam group2 <<<<<<< 400 user 🙂

    Cline for test

    Contact Skype: vitruvedz

  5. satellitieuropa said on February 13, 2014 at 12:00 am

    PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
    HOST : 3gyptsat.sytes.net
    DESKEY :01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
    USER :jdie1 ->jdie100
    PASS :3gyptsat.com
    PORT:3000 nova + art
    PORT:3001 jsc irdeto
    PORT:3002 jsc vai
    PORT:3004 biss tv
    PORT:3005 srg
    PORT:3006 JSC beIN Sport
    PORT:3007 cyfra+
    PORT:3008 sky it
    PORT:3009 sky it
    PORT:3010 sky de
    PORT:3011 yes tv
    PORT:3012 digiturk
    PORT:5501 digital +
    PORT:5507 sky uk
    PORT:5511 plosat
    PORT:5516 tring tv
    PORT:5517 digitalbania
    PORT:5520 conto tv
    PORT:5521 lig tv
    PORT:5522 pink tv
    PORT:5523 viasat
    PORT:5524 hellasat
    PORT:5542 MBC HD
    PORT:5526 bfbs
    PORT:5527 tv cabo
    PORT:5528 jsc
    PORT:5529 sky28
    PORT:5530 sky de
    PORT:5531 sky de
    PORT:5532 canalsat
    PORT:5533 upc
    PORT:5534 satalite bg
    PORT:5535 digi tv
    PORT:5536 viasat

  6. satellitieuropa said on February 12, 2014 at 11:58 pm

    Newcamd Full Server 12.02.2014
    Name : Www.Sathacks.Com
    Host : soft4sat.dnsd.me
    DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
    Port Jsc Full : 4004
    Port:4000 : Art + Nova 0604
    Port:4001 : BeIN Sports viac 0500
    Port:4002 : Canalsat Viac 0500
    Port:4003 : Canalsat HD Seca 0100
    Port:4004 : Digital+ HD 1810
    Port:4005 : Digital+ sd 0100
    Port:4006 : Cyfra+ 0100
    Port:4007 : Skyit 09cd
    USER: zersru4 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerql3q soft4sat.com
    USER: zerp5pv soft4sat.com
    USER: zerqdpj soft4sat.com
    USER: zerd4fc soft4sat.com
    USER: zer2jin soft4sat.com
    USER: zer125s soft4sat.com
    USER: zercpbr soft4sat.com
    USER: zero1u9 soft4sat.com
    USER: zermv3v soft4sat.com
    USER: zerlep1 soft4sat.com
    USER: zernnpo soft4sat.com
    USER: zer9dfh soft4sat.com
    USER: zerxtis soft4sat.com
    USER: zerwc5x soft4sat.com
    USER: zer80bw soft4sat.com
    USER: zerkbue soft4sat.com
    USER: zer8qwp soft4sat.com
    USER: zer8aju soft4sat.com
    USER: zerjwpt soft4sat.com
    USER: zer5nfm soft4sat.com
    USER: zert3ix soft4sat.com
    USER: zersm53 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer49b2 soft4sat.com
    USER: zergluj soft4sat.com
    USER: zer41wu soft4sat.com
    USER: zer4kj0 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerf7py soft4sat.com
    USER: zer1xfr soft4sat.com
    USER: zerpdi3 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerow58 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer0jb7 soft4sat.com
    USER: zercvuo soft4sat.com
    USER: zer1bw0 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer0uj5 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerbhp4 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerns9l soft4sat.com
    USER: zerlni8 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerk75d soft4sat.com
    USER: zerlf51 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer85ut soft4sat.com
    USER: zerwlw5 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerv4ja soft4sat.com
    USER: zer7rp9 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerj39q soft4sat.com
    USER: zerhxid soft4sat.com
    USER: zergg5i soft4sat.com
    USER: zerio56 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer4fuy soft4sat.com
    USER: zersuwa soft4sat.com
    USER: zerrejf soft4sat.com
    USER: zer31pe soft4sat.com
    USER: zerfd9v soft4sat.com
    USER: zer3sc7 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer3cyc soft4sat.com
    USER: zerey5b soft4sat.com
    USER: zer0pu4 soft4sat.com
    USER: zero5wf soft4sat.com
    USER: zernojk soft4sat.com
    USER: zerybpj soft4sat.com
    USER: zerbn91 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer03cc soft4sat.com
    USER: zerymyh soft4sat.com
    USER: zera95g soft4sat.com
    USER: zermlox soft4sat.com
    USER: zerkfwk soft4sat.com
    USER: zerjyjp soft4sat.com
    USER: zerk7jd soft4sat.com
    USER: zer7x96 soft4sat.com
    USER: zervdch soft4sat.com
    USER: zeruvym soft4sat.com
    USER: zer6j5l soft4sat.com
    USER: zeriuo3 soft4sat.com
    USER: zergpwp soft4sat.com
    USER: zerf8ju soft4sat.com
    USER: zerhhji soft4sat.com
    USER: zer379b soft4sat.com
    USER: zerrncm soft4sat.com
    USER: zerq6yr soft4sat.com
    USER: zer2t5q soft4sat.com
    USER: zere5o8 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer2kqj soft4sat.com
    USER: zer24do soft4sat.com
    USER: zerdqjn soft4sat.com
    USER: zeryh9g soft4sat.com
    USER: zernwcr soft4sat.com
    USER: zermgyw soft4sat.com
    USER: zerx35v soft4sat.com
    USER: zerafod soft4sat.com
    USER: zerxuqo soft4sat.com
    USER: zerxedt soft4sat.com
    USER: zer91js soft4sat.com
    USER: zerur9l soft4sat.com
    USER: zerj7cw soft4sat.com
    USER: zeriqy2 soft4sat.com
    USER: zertd51 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer6poi soft4sat.com
    USER: zeru5qt soft4sat.com
    USER: zertody soft4sat.com
    USER: zer5bjx soft4sat.com
    USER: zerhm3f soft4sat.com
    USER: zerfhc2 soft4sat.com
    USER: zere1y7 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerf9yu soft4sat.com
    USER: zer2yon soft4sat.com
    USER: zerqfqy soft4sat.com
    USER: zerpxd4 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer1lj3 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerdw3k soft4sat.com
    USER: zerbrc7 soft4sat.com
    USER: zeraayc soft4sat.com
    USER: zerciy0 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerx9os soft4sat.com
    USER: zermoq4 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerl8d9 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerwuj8 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer973p soft4sat.com
    USER: zerwm61 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerw6s6 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer8sy5 soft4sat.com
    USER: zertjox soft4sat.com
    USER: zeriyq9 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerhide soft4sat.com
    USER: zers5jd soft4sat.com
    USER: zer5h3u soft4sat.com
    USER: zertw66 soft4sat.com
    USER: zersgsb soft4sat.com
    USER: zer43ya soft4sat.com
    USER: zergfir soft4sat.com
    USER: zere9qe soft4sat.com
    USER: zerdsdj soft4sat.com
    USER: zere1d7 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer1r30 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerp76b soft4sat.com
    USER: zeropsg soft4sat.com
    USER: zer0dyf soft4sat.com
    USER: zercoiw soft4sat.com
    USER: zerajqj soft4sat.com
    USER: zer92do soft4sat.com
    USER: zerbbdc soft4sat.com
    USER: zerw135 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerlh6g soft4sat.com
    USER: zerk0sl soft4sat.com
    USER: zervnyk soft4sat.com
    USER: zer8yi2 soft4sat.com
    USER: zervekd soft4sat.com
    USER: zervx7i soft4sat.com
    USER: zer7kdh soft4sat.com
    USER: zersb3a soft4sat.com
    USER: zerhq6l soft4sat.com
    USER: zergasq soft4sat.com
    USER: zerrwyp soft4sat.com
    USER: zer49i7 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerroki soft4sat.com
    USER: zerr87n soft4sat.com
    USER: zer3udm soft4sat.com
    USER: zerol3f soft4sat.com
    USER: zerd16q soft4sat.com
    USER: zercksv soft4sat.com
    USER: zern7yu soft4sat.com
    USER: zer0jic soft4sat.com
    USER: zeroykn soft4sat.com
    USER: zerni7s soft4sat.com
    USER: zery5dr soft4sat.com
    USER: zerbgw9 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer9b6v soft4sat.com
    USER: zer8us1 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer93so soft4sat.com
    USER: zervsih soft4sat.com
    USER: zerk9ks soft4sat.com
    USER: zerjr7x soft4sat.com
    USER: zerufdw soft4sat.com
    USER: zer7qwe soft4sat.com
    USER: zer5l61 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer44s6 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer6cst soft4sat.com
    USER: zerr3im soft4sat.com
    USER: zergikx soft4sat.com
    USER: zerf273 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerqod2 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer31wj soft4sat.com
    USER: zerqg0u soft4sat.com
    USER: zerq0m0 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer2msy soft4sat.com
    USER: zerndir soft4sat.com
    USER: zercsk3 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerbc78 soft4sat.com
    USER: zermyd7 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerybwo soft4sat.com
    USER: zernq00 soft4sat.com
    USER: zermam5 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerxws4 soft4sat.com
    USER: zera9cl soft4sat.com
    USER: zer83k8 soft4sat.com
    USER: zer7m7d soft4sat.com
    USER: zer8u71 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerulwt soft4sat.com
    USER: zerj105 soft4sat.com
    USER: zerijma soft4sat.com
    USER: zert7s9 soft4sat.com

  7. SCHEISSERLE said on February 12, 2014 at 7:48 pm

    C: nounoumadrid.dyndns.tv 18000 nounou1 sathacks.com
    C: nounoumadrid.dyndns.tv 18000 nounou2 sathacks.com
    C: nounoumadrid.dyndns.tv 18000 nounou3 sathacks.com
    C: nounoumadrid.dyndns.tv 18000 nounou998 sathacks.com
    C: nounoumadrid.dyndns.tv 18000 nounou999 sathacks.com
    C: nounoumadrid.dyndns.tv 18000 nounou1000 sathacks.com

    C: free-server.no-ip.biz 13000 sat1 biensat.com
    C: free-server.no-ip.biz 13000 sat2 biensat.com
    C: free-server.no-ip.biz 13000 sat3 biensat.com
    C: free-server.no-ip.biz 13000 sat498 biensat.com
    C: free-server.no-ip.biz 13000 sat499 biensat.com
    C: free-server.no-ip.biz 13000 sat500 biensat.com

  8. satellitieuropa said on February 12, 2014 at 7:44 pm

    C: 12000 test-1 cardshaskyi.blogspot.it

    F: test-2 cardshaskyi.blogspot.it

    F: test-8 cardshaskyi.blogspot.it
    F: mail satsatsky@gmail.com
    F: mail2 satsatsky@gmail.com
    F: mail3 satsatsky@gmail.com

    sky ita sky uk0963 sky deu 1702 ecc e mediaset premiu full + tv sat regalo per la partita di stasera agli italiani all’estero

  9. dread said on February 12, 2014 at 6:44 pm

    C: primecccam.zapto.org 2001 cccam-QQQFFGHY,9 www.primecccam.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: primecccam.zapto.org 2001 cccam-QQQFFGHY,1 www.primecccam.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: primecccam.zapto.org 2001 cccam-QQQFFGHY,4 www.primecccam.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: primecccam.zapto.org 2001 cccam-QQQFFGHY,100 www.primecccam.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: primecccam.zapto.org 2001 cccam-QQQFFGHY,2 www.primecccam.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: primecccam.zapto.org 2001 cccam-QQQFFGHY,92 www.primecccam.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: primecccam.zapto.org 2001 cccam-QQQFFGHY,91 www.primecccam.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: primecccam.zapto.org 2001 cccam-QQQFFGHY,8 www.primecccam.com # v2.1.4-2892
    C: primecccam.zapto.org 2001 cccam-QQQFFGHY,93 www.primecccam.com # v2.1.4-2892

  10. SCHEISSERLE said on February 12, 2014 at 12:09 pm

    PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25

    Host : sharing-masr.sytes.net

    DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    PORT : 2000 – CAID : 0604 Nova (13E) , ART (7W)
    PORT : 2001 – CAID : 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
    PORT : 2002 – CAID : 0500 biss
    PORT : 2003 – CAID : 0500 csat
    PORT : 2004 – CAID : 0100 aspin
    PORT : 2005 – CAID : 0100 cccat
    PORT : 2006 – CAID : 09cd skyit09cd
    PORT : 2007 – CAID : 0d96 skylink
    PORT : 2008 – CAID : 1702 oRY
    PORT : 2009 – CAID : 0963 skyuk
    PORT : 2010 – CAID : 0d02 upc
    PORT : 2011 – CAID : 1803 polsat
    PORT : 2012 – CAID : 090d amos
    PORT : 2013 – CAID : 0d00 dgturk
    PORT : 2029 – CAID : 0500 jce0500 (0000)
    PORT : 2015 – CAID : 0b00 MBCHD

    USER : egypt1 ===============–> egypt50

    PASS : sharing-masr.com

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