*If you click the above button, the green lines will be published in the free cccam servers section of this website.
Thank you! Your message has been successfully sent.
Testious is a web application built to test multiple cccam and newcam lines at once.
Insert the lines in the textarea, click the process button and wait for the results. Testious will then connect to each line and report its status to you.
Alternatively, you can use the second input box to get the shares available for a single c-line.
Testious accepts c-lines and n-lines in cccam format:
C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password>
e.g. C: yourhost.dyndns.org 12000 user pass
N: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <deskey>
e.g. N: yourhost.dyndns.org 1234 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
The tested lines are printed according to the following color codes:
Good lines but already in use by someone else. Works only with CCcam v2.1.0 and greater.
Wrong credentials. Bad username/password.
Dead host or too slow. Host not responding in the allowed time or syntax error.
Additionally, testious will append the cccam version or the available share at the end of the line.
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kem pully said on November 7, 2014 at 7:05 am
Luigi said on November 7, 2014 at 6:33 pm
test skybox f3
max said on November 7, 2014 at 6:17 am
First lines SLY IT HD send to friends :o))
susci said on November 7, 2014 at 7:27 am
Hi max!
Remember me,please.
skeen said on November 7, 2014 at 9:00 am
can i test a cline for sly hd?
evil said on November 7, 2014 at 10:00 am
Hy Max I’m interested in sly hd My email willie@hotmail.com
falco said on November 7, 2014 at 10:33 am
mile said on November 7, 2014 at 12:06 pm
can i test a cline for sky it hd?
bruno said on November 7, 2014 at 4:09 pm
can i test a cline for sky it hd?
tex said on November 7, 2014 at 4:24 pm
can i test a cline too? thanks
Aldi said on November 7, 2014 at 5:56 pm
Hello Max, can you send me a test line for Sky HD to try it please.
Thank you.
bruno said on November 7, 2014 at 6:18 pm
I’m sorry
I gave you the email address where you send me cline for sky hd Italy
hamada hossni said on November 8, 2014 at 1:16 am
Hello max
please my friend send C-Line of SKY HD
thanks My friend
Moosa Khattak said on November 7, 2014 at 3:16 am
Test line need fot 93e SUN
hamada hossni said on November 7, 2014 at 2:58 am
hello friends
i want test cline for D-smart 42E please PM me
auras said on November 6, 2014 at 10:52 pm
Cline for 2014 – 2015? Upc direc digi tv sky it
Luan said on November 6, 2014 at 8:24 pm
hi @ all
has any one DGA HD if yes contact me: unikkluan@gmail.com
almir said on November 6, 2014 at 6:37 pm
Zamolio bih za liniju koja otvara max tv, almir.durakovic71@gmail.com
Hvala puno unaprijed.
commando said on November 6, 2014 at 7:34 pm
Ne znam zašto ostavljate mail. Uzmete test i gledate.
commando said on November 6, 2014 at 2:03 pm
C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 20999 USER commando
USER: free1 – free 50
host: cs-test.dyndns.tv:20999 cccam version: 2.0.11-2892 shares: 147
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 01000000, 01000002, 01000003, 01000004, 01000005, 01000009, 0100000A, 0100000B, 0100000C, 0100000D, 0100000E, 0100000F, 01000010, 01000011, 01000012, 01000013, 01000014, 01000019, 0100001A, 0100001B, 0100001C, 0100001D, 01000021, 01000025, 01000026, 01000029, 0100002A, 0100002E, 0100002F, 01000030
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 01000031, 01000033, 01000034, 01000035, 01000036, 01000037, 0100003D, 0100003E, 01000064, Cyfra+ VOD, 01000066, 01000067, Cyfra+ (13E), Canal+ Nederland (19E/23E), Canal+ Nederland HD (19E/23E), TV Vlaanderen (19E/23E), TeleSat Wallonne (13E/19E/23E), CanalSat Horizons (22W), CanalSat Horizons, 01000070, 01000071, 01000072, 01000073, 01000074, 01000076, 0100007A, 0100007B, 01000080, 01000081, 01000082
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 01000083, Numericable-MTV (19E), FTC-MTV (19E), 01000088, 01000089, 0100008C, CanalSatellite Reunion (16E), BeTV Wallons/Canal+ Belgique (DVBC), Canal+ Vlaanderen (DVBC), Canal+ Belgique, Canal+ Vlaanderen, CanalSat Reunion (16E)/Caraibes (31W/34W), 010000A0, 010000A1, 010000A2, 010000A3, TopUp TV (DVBT)[16E], Astro TV (91E), Astro TV, Astro TV, Astro TV, Zee Network (105E), Zee Boquet, Mediaset (13E/5W), Mediaset, Telecom (DVBC), Telecom (DVBC), Telecom (DVBC), Telecom (DVBC), Telecom (DVBC)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Telecom (DVBC), TopUp TV (DVBT)[16E], Tv Numeric (DVBT)[5W], Tv Numeric, Tv Numeric C+ (DVBT), 01000159, RAI (13E)&[EMU], 01000202, Satro SK (DVBC), Satro SK (DVBC), CanalSat France (19E), Canal+ France (19E), CanalPro France (19E), CSAT, CSAT, Mediaguard V10.0, 01004001, 01004002, 01004006, 01004099, 01004101, 01004102, Digital+ (19E), Digital+, Digital+, MEO ADMIN, MEO PT DHT (30W), MEO RFU, Numericable (19E/13E), Canal+ France (19E), CanalSat
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, RusCrypt (80E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Inmedia (5E/60E)[codicrypt]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Bundestag (23E)[codicrypt]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, National TV (16E)[codicrypt]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Russian Radio (53E/13E)[codicrypt]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, TV B92/BRAVO/MTV (16E/4W)[codicrypt]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Viaccess CAid, 05001540, 05001570, 05001C10, 05002100, 05002500, 05004800, 05005500, 05007000, MEZZO/MCM Belgique (13E/5W)&[EMU], SIC Internacional (16E)&[EMU], 05007C00, 05008000, 05008100, 05008110, 05008300, 05008400, 05008800, 05008C00, 05009400, 05009C00, 0500A000, 0500A800, 0500AC00, 0500B000, 0500B400, 0500B800, 0500C400, 0500C410, 0500C800, 0500D540, 0500D800
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 0500E400, 0500E410, 0500E420, 0500E430, 0500E460, 0500E470, 0500E800, 0500F520, 0500F800, 05010800, 05010C00, 05011C00, 05012000, 05012800, 05012810, 05012C00, SIC Internacional (16E), 05013400, 05015000, Globecast France (5W), 05016400, 05016800, 05016810, 05019000, 05019400, 0501A400, 0501AC00, 05020000, Boxer (DVBT), Boxer (DVBT), 05020600, 05020700
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 05020800, Game One (13E), Game One, Globecast (13E/7E), GlobeCast/TBD (13E/9E/7E/40W), HRT Croatia (13E), HRT Croatia, HRT Croatia, HRT Croatia, HRT CMC (13E), 05020C00, 05021100, Asianet/AsiaFM (9E/13E/88E), 05021500, 05021510, Musicam (9E), ST-Hilo (30W), 05021570, Private Spice (13E), BHT Bosnia TV (16E/12W), Globecast Spain (30W), 05021C00, Televisa (24W/43W-C), Televisa, 05022600, TPS/CanalSat France (19E), Eurosport (13E/7E), Poverkhnost+ (36E), RTVi (13E), NTV Mir (5E), Neovisne TV Hayat (13E/4W), Neovisne TV Hayat
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, MAX TV (5E/13E/16E/12W), MAX TV, SIC Internacional (16E), NSAB (5E), Boxer (DVBT), Boxer (DVBT), MCM TOP (19E), HTB+ (36E), SRG Swiss (13E), GlobeCast (13E/16E/9E/7E), myZen (9E), 05023B00, SVT Europa (9E), Nat Geo (4W), RTVi (13E), Max TV (5E/16E/13E/12W), Redlight Premium (13E/5W), GlobeCast BT, TVR (16E), Eurosport HD (13E/7E/75E), 05030700, HRT/MTV Adria (13E/4W), HRT, HRT, HRT, TNT Sat (19E), TV Slovenija (13E), GlobeCast France (19E), 05031B00, 05032000, Motors TV (13E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Private Spice (13E), 05032820, CanalSat France (19E), CSAT, Orange TNT/TV Numeric (DVBT), Orange TV, Orange Polska (13E), Orange Polska CANAL+, HTB+ (36E), SRG Swiss (13E), Canal+ France (19E), Canal+ Marghreb (26E), Redlight New Elite (13E/5W/12W), TV Festival (19E), FranSat (5W), FranSat HD (5W), FranSat HD (5W), 05041B00, 05041B10, 05041B20, Dolly Buster (13E), Dolly Buster, RTVI (13E), JSC Sports (13E/20E/26E/7W), Canal+ Wallonne (19E/23E/13E), SCT (13E), BIS TV (13E/5W/19E/12W), CanalSat France (19E), CSAT, Dorcel TV (19E), Tv Numeric/TNtop (DVBT)[5W], Orange SAT (19E/13E/5W/12W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 05051700, HRT
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Irdeto CAid
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Stellar/Kontinent (70E/75E/85E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, MultiChoice Africa(39E-68E)/RTV21 (1W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Stream/ZeeTV (75E/13E/9E/100E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 06100000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Globecast (13E/9E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SkyLogic/Viacom (33E/68E-C)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Alfa/Sitel (39E/16E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 06180000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, LA7 Sport (12W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, RRSat/MGM (9E&13E/10E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 06260000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Redlight HD/SCT (13E&5W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Redlight HD/SUN (13E&5W/93E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Dialog TV (45E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SUN (9E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SCT HD/Redlight HD/Hustler HD (13E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, ORF/AustriaSat (19E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Raduga TV (75E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Poverkhnost+ DTH (36E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Raj TV (83E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 06600000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, OSN (26E/7W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, EBU Biss [EMU]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Canal+ NL (19E/23E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Skylink/WDS (23E/19E/10E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, JSC (7W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Irdeto CAid
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, JSC Sports (13E/20E/26E/7W), JSC Sports, JSC Sports, JSC Sports, 06030004
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, TVB/Nova-SCT/Bulsatcom/DSTV/True/ART-JSC/CTI (9E/13E/39E/68E/78E/7W/15W), Nova (13E)/SHOWTIME (7W)/Bulsatcom (39E), Nova (13E)/SHOWTIME (7W)/Bulsatcom (39E), Nova (13E)/SHOWTIME (7W)/Bulsatcom (39E), Nova (13E)/SHOWTIME (7W)/Bulsatcom (39E), Nova (13E)/SHOWTIME (7W)/Bulsatcom (39E), Nova (13E)/SHOWTIME (7W)/Bulsatcom (39E), Nova (13E)/SHOWTIME (7W)/Bulsatcom (39E), 06040008, 06040009, Nova (13E)/SHOWTIME (7W)/Bulsatcom (39E), 06040014, 0604005C, 06040101, 06010003, 06020104, 06042400, 06042410, 06040020, 06042800, 06010CB1, 0614583C
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 06290000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Dahlia TV (12W), Dahlia TV, Dahlia TV, Dahlia TV
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Digiturk (7E/42E), Digiturk, Digiturk, Digiturk
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Videoguard CAid
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SKY Brazil (43W-C)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Foxtel (156E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, yes (4W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, yes (4W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Viasat (5E/75E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 09180000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 09240000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Get Norge (DVBC)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, boom (4W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, D-SMART (42E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Dolce (39E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, VisionTV (5E/13E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 09320000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Ono Cable Spain (DVBC)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Viasat (5E/75E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SKY UK (28E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SKY UK (28E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 09810000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Artear (43W-C)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, TVB (108E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, KabelBW (DVBC)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 099E0000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 09A00000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, TeleColumbus/KabelKiosk/RTVI (9E/13E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, TVP (19E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, TeleClub Schweiz (DVBC)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Vivacom (45E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, OTE (9E/39E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, TVP Info (19E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SKY Italia (13E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SKY Italia (13E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SKY UK (28E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SKY Deutschland (19E), SKY Deutschland
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Kabel Deutschland (23E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Sky Italia (13E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Sky Italia (13E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Total TV (16E), 091F0001, 091F0002, 091F0003, 091F0004
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, (Inactive) Armenia Region TV (36E) [SkyPilot]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 4A610000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 4A630000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 4A6F0000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 4A700000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 4AA00000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Iberia/JSC Sports (13E/9E/7W)[KeyFly]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 4AB00000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Redlight TV (13E/5W) [SkyPilot]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 4AD00000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SISAL/JSC Sports (9E/7W) [Firecrypt]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 4AD40000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Tv Numeric (DVBT)[5W] [SafeAccess]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Tricolor (36E) [DRE-Crypt]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Platforma HD/Tricolor (9E/36E)[DRE-Crypt], Platforma HD/Tricolor (9E/36E)[DRE-Crypt]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Polaris (39E)[Deltacom]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Salellite BG/N/Conto TV/RUV (23E/13E/1W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Hello HD+/Tring TV/eVision (9E/13E/16E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Akta/Kabel Kiosk/TVN/DigitAlb/Technisat/My TV/T-Home/Magio Sat/MBC HD/Starmax HD (5E/9E/13E/16E/19E/68E/4W/7W/30W) Comhem SE [DVB-C], 0B00267A, 0B004010, 0B006010, 0B006020, 0B006030, 0B006040, 0B006050, 0B006060, 0B006070, 0B007501, Canal Digital Nordic (1W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Vectra PL [DVBC]/Redlight/UPC/DaVinci (13E/1W/4W/5W), 0B0200C0
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 0B080014
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, MTV/Arqiva/DigiTurk (13E/19E/5E/7/42), 0D000004, 0D000008, MTV (13E/19E/9E/4W), 0D000014, Kingstone/MTV PL (5E/13E/19E)&[EMU225], Kingstone (5E/9E)&[EMU225], MTV Mandarin (68E), MTV India (68E), 0D000064, 0D000068, 0D00006C, 0D0000CD, 0D00008D, Digiturk (7E/42E), DigiTurk, DigiTurk, DigiTurk
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, JSTV (13E), 0D010050, 0D010054, 0D010080, 0D010084, JSTV (13E), JSTV, JSTV, JSTV
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, RTL/UPC Direct (13E/19E/1W), RTL (13E), 0D020080, 0D020088, UPC Direct, UPC Direct (1W/19E), UPC Direct, UPC Direct
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, DMC (15W), DMC (15W), DMC, DMC, DMC, 0D040014
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, ORF/AustriaSat (19E), ORF (19E), Alpengl?hen TVX (19E), ORF, AustriaSat (19E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Satellite BG (23E), 0D060004, 0D060008, 0D06000C, 0D060010, Satellite BG (23E), Satellite BG, Satellite BG, Satellite BG
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, BFBS (10E)/Antena Hungaria (DVBC), Antena Hungaria (DVBC), Antena Hungaria (DVBC), Antena Hungaria (DVBC), Antena Hungaria (DVBC), BFBS (10E), BFBS, BFBS, BFBS
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, AlMajd (26E), AlMajd (26E), AlMajd, AlMajd, AlMajd
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Halozat TV (4W), 0D0A000C
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 0D0C0000, 0D0C000C, 0D0C0010, 0D0C0014, 0D0C0018
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, IKO Kable (4W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, ESPN/Travel (19E), ESPN/Travel (19E), ArenaSAT, ArenaSAT, ArenaSAT
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Romantica (5E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, ORF (19E), ORF, ORF, ORF
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Skylink (23E), Skylink, Skylink, Skylink, Skylink
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 0D970004, 0D970008, 0D97000C, 0D970010
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, PowerVu
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, 55000000
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, AthinaSat (39E) [Griffin]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, AthinaSat HD (39E) [Bulcrypt]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, ABS-CBN (5W) [Verimatrix]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SKY Germany/SKY Germany Extra (19E)[tunneled Nagra], SKY Germany, SKY Germany
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Kabel Deutschland (23E)[tunneled Nagra], Kabel Deutschland, Kabel Deutschland
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, SKY Deutschland (19E)[ROM181]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Kabel Deutschland (23E/19E)[ROM184]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Blue Movie (19E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Kabel Dienst Leistungs (23E/19E)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Dish Network US (61W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, TV Cabo [ROM142]/Multicanal (30W)/SABC (68), DigiTV (1W), DigiTV, Mediaset Premium (13E/5W)
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, POLSAT HD [ROM142]/Mediaset Premium (13E/5W), Polsat HD, Polsat HD, Mediaset Premium, Mediaset Premium
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Mediaset Premium, Mediaset Premium, Mediaset Premium
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Digital+ (30W/19E), Digital+ HD (30W/19E)[ROM180], Digital+ HD, 1810B001, 1810B101
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Bell (82W/91W)[ROM240], UPC/DIGITAL NL (1W/19E/DVBC)[ROM142]
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, HD+ (19E) [ROM142], 18303401, 18303403, 18303404, HD+, HD+, 18303501, 18303503, 18303504, HD+, 18305411, 1830AA80, 1830AA81
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, Unitymedia 02 (DVBC-sysid) [ROM142], Unitymedia 02
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, TivuSat (13E)[ROM250], TivuSat
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, HD+ (19E), HD+, HD+, HD+, HD+
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, DigiTV (1W)[ROM190], DigiTV, DigiTV, DigiTV
uphops: 1, maxdown: 0, HD+ (19E) [ROM142], 1830AA80, 1830AA81
susci said on November 6, 2014 at 2:26 pm
Hey commando!
Is it possible to get you line on long time?It will be very nice!!!
commando said on November 6, 2014 at 2:31 pm
Hey commando!
Is it possible to get you line on long time?It will be very nice!!!
– that while the test server 3-7 days.
test with its lower server
susci said on November 6, 2014 at 4:10 pm
What after that time?
Moosa Khattak said on November 6, 2014 at 3:41 pm
Hey Commando
I want to be your use your line .It will be very nice!!!
anonymous said on November 6, 2014 at 4:41 pm
Can you give me private test line for a few days?
I interested your server.
Please contact me aleks8sat8@gmail.com
Moosa Khattak said on November 7, 2014 at 3:15 am
I am interested in your server.
Can you send me test line.
alc said on November 7, 2014 at 6:36 am
Hi Commando! I’m interested in your line. Can we speak? alc_pfr@ hotmail.com
douwe said on November 6, 2014 at 1:32 pm
C: 687972696a65.ddns.net 49743 megi meggy # v2.0.11-2892
C: 687972696a65.ddns.net 49743 megi meggy # v2.0.11-2892
Soupdragon said on November 6, 2014 at 1:18 pm
looking for a line for VM cable in uk can anybody help?