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CCcam & Newcam line tester

*If you click the above button, the green lines will be published in the free cccam servers section of this website.

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What is Testious?

Testious is a web application built to test multiple cccam and newcam lines at once.

How it works?

Insert the lines in the textarea, click the process button and wait for the results. Testious will then connect to each line and report its status to you.

Alternatively, you can use the second input box to get the shares available for a single c-line.

What lines can be tested?

Testious accepts c-lines and n-lines in cccam format:

C-line syntax:

C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password>
e.g. C: yourhost.dyndns.org 12000 user pass

N-line syntax:

N: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <deskey>
e.g. N: yourhost.dyndns.org 1234 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

The results

The tested lines are printed according to the following color codes:

Good lines. User/pass is correct but for CCcam v2.0.11 and below, the line may be in use.
Good lines but already in use by someone else. Works only with CCcam v2.1.0 and greater.
Wrong credentials. Bad username/password.
Dead host or too slow. Host not responding in the allowed time or syntax error.

Additionally, testious will append the cccam version or the available share at the end of the line.

  1. ilcorsaronerro said on November 8, 2014 at 9:55 am

    N: bigvps.dyndns.org 6057 USER PASS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    USER: test-89 vs5epkwq
    USER: test-90 iyg8mscq
    USER: test-91 owh103mp
    USER: test-92 jgub14ns
    USER: test-93 c3uhi53h
    USER: test-94 lhwp14xv
    USER: test-95 xe0wtf7w
    USER: test-96 si0k2u3f
    USER: test-97 tigskfep
    USER: test-98 bwgktp4m
    USER: test-99 4beo0pt8
    USER: test-100 xea2z3gb

  2. commando said on November 8, 2014 at 1:28 am

    free43 ON 50425 cccam (2.0.11-2892) 0000:0000 00:10:56
    00:10:56 OK
    free38 ON 50430 cccam (2.0.11-2892) 0000:0000 00:10:56
    00:10:56 OK
    free34 ON 50431 cccam (2.0.11-2892) 0000:0000 00:10:56
    00:10:56 OK
    free31 ON 50433 cccam (2.0.11-2892) 0000:0000 00:10:56
    00:10:56 OK
    free29 ON 50434 cccam (2.0.11-2892) 0000:0000 00:10:56
    00:10:56 OK
    free24 ON 50594 cccam (2.0.11-2892) 0000:0000 00:10:45
    00:10:45 OK
    free49 ON 50605 cccam (2.0.11-2892) 0000:0000 00:10:45
    00:10:45 OK
    free45 ON 50755 cccam (2.0.11-2892) 0000:0000 00:10:33
    00:10:33 OK
    free20 ON 52803 cccam (2.0.11-2892) 0000:0000 00:08:10
    00:08:10 OK
    free8 ON 52808 cccam (2.0.11-

    • Moosa Khattak said on November 8, 2014 at 5:18 am

      Server is Dead host.
      plz send me real test line on moosakhattak@gmail.com
      It will be nice

      • commando said on November 8, 2014 at 9:45 am

        Server ON

        • commando said on November 8, 2014 at 9:46 am

          C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 20999 USER commando

          USER: free1 – free 50

          host: cs-test.dyndns.tv:20999 cccam version: 2.0.11-2892 shares: 147

          • Moosa Khattak said on November 8, 2014 at 7:19 pm

            Server is too slow or dead host i check it again…plz send me test line on moosakhattak@gmail.com

          • Moosa Khattak said on November 9, 2014 at 6:44 am

            Server is too slow or dead host i check it again…plz send me test line on moosakhattak@gmail.com

    • Moosa Khattak said on November 8, 2014 at 5:26 am

      Commando Brother can you give me test line for 93E and 88E

    • Moosa Khattak said on November 9, 2014 at 10:15 am

      Can you send me test line moosakhattak@gmail.com

  3. ilcorsaronerro said on November 7, 2014 at 9:07 pm

    C: bigvps.dyndns.org 14500
    F: test-1 55xd4xd1
    F: test-2 yo7z8s7s
    F: test-3 fsxrn125
    F: test-4 hj526e11
    F: test-5 55evr34t
    F: test-6 j1h1zfys
    F: test-7 qemsaoey
    F: test-8 f51532ps
    F: test-9 g1eips0z
    F: test-10 1h841tyf
    F: test-11 4m0wycpw
    F: test-12 wp4zzngf
    F: test-13 xylo0lt0
    F: test-14 g5m3mn6z
    F: test-15 xp3aljm1
    F: test-16 16nyoepl
    F: test-17 wpqttgc0
    F: test-18 jjfcme31
    F: test-19 viz306k6
    F: test-20 vuizhjeb
    F: test-21 zqvfbraz
    F: test-22 y34rehlg
    F: test-23 zj3man1y
    F: test-24 51bgd5wq
    F: test-25 328yqaan
    F: test-26 5kzsx6zb
    F: test-27 mwz3ekeo
    F: test-28 i7cbva1c
    F: test-29 kg8xh5zh

  4. commando said on November 7, 2014 at 8:10 pm

    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test1 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test2 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test3 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test4 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test5 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test6 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test7 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test8 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test9 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test10 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test11 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test12 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test13 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test14 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test15 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test16 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test17 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test18 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test19 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test20 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test21 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test22 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test23 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test24 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test25 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test26 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test27 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test28 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test29 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test30 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test31 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test32 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test33 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test34 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test35 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test36 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test37 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test38 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test39 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test40 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test41 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test42 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test43 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test44 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test45 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test46 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test47 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test48 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test49 commando
    C: cs-test.dyndns.tv 22000 test50 commando

    • marian said on November 7, 2014 at 8:39 pm

      C: marian67.hopto.org 12001 marian marian # v2.1.3-3165
      C: marian67.hopto.org 12001 marian1 marian1 # v2.1.3-3165

    • Moosa Khattak said on November 9, 2014 at 3:01 pm

      Commando i am interested in your server package.Plz send me your testline moosakhattak@gmail.com

  5. M_I_S said on November 7, 2014 at 6:38 pm

    C: cccamstore-tv.no-ip.biz 12000 FCB,1 www.cccamstore.tv

    USER=== FCB,1 ====to===> FCB,200

  6. M_I_S said on November 7, 2014 at 6:36 pm

    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 Lp8Ka9 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 0PW392 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 5t8x77 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 Wzh9u4 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 7h8811 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 7FNQ81 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 K700zm amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 91ko8J amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 Y8KXwr amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 VZ6tK1 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 2LS063 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 8Jz322 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 22oCbw amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 47G36N amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 2A1T1n amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 Y50W2A amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 93Pb00 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 8g1k9d amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 00n66L amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 Z8BGE3 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 ER22D8 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 Bf1zj6 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 9uu841 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 ZmMH17 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 11177m amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 A96HyS amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 2GnK47 amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 511r4v amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 MI29UY amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 Z9dYxs amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892
    C: free-amirsat.zapto.org 12000 96E68C amirsat.org # v2.0.11-2892

  7. M_I_S said on November 7, 2014 at 6:35 pm

    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best47 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best45 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best41 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best50 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best38 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best39 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best33 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best31 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best28 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best12 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best22 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best14 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best32 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best29 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best36 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best34 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best27 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best46 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best13 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best8 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best15 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best5 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best7 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best3 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: thecccam.noip.me 22000 best2 thecccam.com # v2.0.11-289

  8. M_I_S said on November 7, 2014 at 6:34 pm

    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 1jqq1q freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 2dw5i9 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 8ab4vv freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 wa4qm9 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 cnifep freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 y9m78v freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 o955q7 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 24fxbv freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 bpgp9o freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 7yq51i freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 5706lh freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 eeiosy freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 hncjgr freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 minq5e freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 lc4tsy freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 5iutnx freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 ct2cq5 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 l5u7gs freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 xsqhmh freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 s0ekrt freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 bgqnu0 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 23p8b4 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 v1q888 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 i2j95f freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 pw3mhg freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 8hcv2q freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 qt5cmh freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 g5ix78 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 pl8yf1 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 rdyxu1 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 6j30ac freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 w7a5kn freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 jdm3t9 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 gjj2q1 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 0ch4ok freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 q0o9yw freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 sk5l1q freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 vuygoj freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 7v6tx6 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 a8d5g0 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 aabfby freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892
    C: freesatdz12-sat.myftp.biz 13000 ncf5t9 freesatdz # v2.0.11-2892

  9. M_I_S said on November 7, 2014 at 6:33 pm

    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup25 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892

    100 users

  10. M_I_S said on November 7, 2014 at 6:32 pm

    C: freecccam.sytes.net 19156 meca1 meca.sytes.net

    100 users meca1 to meca100

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