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CCcam & Newcam line tester

*If you click the above button, the green lines will be published in the free cccam servers section of this website.

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What is Testious?

Testious is a web application built to test multiple cccam and newcam lines at once.

How it works?

Insert the lines in the textarea, click the process button and wait for the results. Testious will then connect to each line and report its status to you.

Alternatively, you can use the second input box to get the shares available for a single c-line.

What lines can be tested?

Testious accepts c-lines and n-lines in cccam format:

C-line syntax:

C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password>
e.g. C: yourhost.dyndns.org 12000 user pass

N-line syntax:

N: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <deskey>
e.g. N: yourhost.dyndns.org 1234 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

The results

The tested lines are printed according to the following color codes:

Good lines. User/pass is correct but for CCcam v2.0.11 and below, the line may be in use.
Good lines but already in use by someone else. Works only with CCcam v2.1.0 and greater.
Wrong credentials. Bad username/password.
Dead host or too slow. Host not responding in the allowed time or syntax error.

Additionally, testious will append the cccam version or the available share at the end of the line.

  1. čeština said on November 17, 2014 at 10:38 pm

    hello test ok use 1 c-line

    conctakt <

    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport5 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport6 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport7 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport8 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport9 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport10 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport11 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport12 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport13 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport14 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport15 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport16 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport17 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport18 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport19 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport20 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport21 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport22 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport23 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport24 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport25 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport26 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport27 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport28 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport29 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport30 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport31 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport32 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport33 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport34 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport35 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport36 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport37 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport38 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport39 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport40 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport41 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport42 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport43 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport44 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport45 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport46 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport47 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport48 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport49 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport50 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport51 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport52 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport53 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport54 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport55 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport56 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport57 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport58 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport59 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport60 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport61 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport62 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport63 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport64 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport65 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport66 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport67 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport68 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport69 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport70 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport71 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport72 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport73 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport74 Sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport75 sport
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport76 sport

  2. cosbykid said on November 17, 2014 at 6:42 pm

    C: 1terra.no-ip.biz 15570 free free1
    C: 2terra.no-ip.biz 15570 free free1
    C: 1terra.no-ip.biz 15570 free free2
    C: 2terra.no-ip.biz 15570 free free2
    C: 1terra.no-ip.biz 15570 free free3
    C: 2terra.no-ip.biz 15570 free free3

  3. Dave fairclough said on November 17, 2014 at 6:23 pm

    hi is there anybody who can help me

    I have a technomate 5402 and I have installed a couple of clines of which it says it has successfully connected how ever if I get 3 seconds of connections success that’s it I have now tried a couple more clines and they all connect intermittently and they then go on and off this is put in a technomate 5402 hd

    however I do know these are good clines as I have had a couple from this site plus I have purchased a months cline from ebay and they cant all be bad

    so I have connected the clines to a technomate tm500 and they work fine and I did install thses after I had no joy with my motorised receiver 5402hd

    can any one please help im an electrical engineer so I have checked my Ethernet cables and im sending pings at 76 mb per second

    the only thing is could it bea problem with my firmware ??? if so could anyone help me with it as ive been on another site but it will not let you join unless you have been recommended *****sat-tv-help*****

    I would very much appreciate your comments or is there any other sites where I can get advice beause theres got to be hidden menus some how other than 8281

    or is there ny web sites I can watch other than cricfree

    many thanks for reading

    • anathem said on November 17, 2014 at 7:03 pm

      That happens when many people use the same line. If you want to know more about it, read this article http://www.cccam-server.info/cccam-why-good-clines-show-0-shares/

    • max said on November 18, 2014 at 6:25 am

      What do you use emu …. cccam, mgcamd etc. ??

  4. jacare said on November 17, 2014 at 12:39 pm

    search for 1812

  5. kem pully said on November 17, 2014 at 9:47 am


    C: naxhd1.mine.nu 55000 naxhd8000 test
    C: naxhd2.mine.nu 55000 naxhd8000 test

    send email or send request !!

  6. čeština said on November 16, 2014 at 11:32 pm

    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS1HD1 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS2HD2 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS3HD3 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS4HD4 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS5HD5 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS6HD6 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000SS7HD7 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS8HD8 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS9HD9 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS1HD10 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS2HD11 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS3HD12 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS4HD13 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS5HD14 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS6HD15 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS7HD16 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS8HD17 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS9HD18 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS1HD19 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS2HD20 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS3HD21 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS4HD22 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS5HD23 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS6HD24 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS7HD25 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS8HD26 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS9HD27 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS1HD28 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS2HD29 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS3HD30 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS4HD31 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS5HD32 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS6HD33 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS7HD34 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS8HD35 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS9HD36 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS6HD37 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS7HD38 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS8HD39 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 SS9HD40 sport1

    • vista said on November 17, 2014 at 11:32 am


  7. čeština said on November 16, 2014 at 11:28 pm

    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo19 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo20 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo18 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo22 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo21 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo23 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo24 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo26 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo25 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solot28 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solot27 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo29 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo30 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo34 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo32 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo33 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo31 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo35 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo38 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo37 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo39 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo36 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 v+solo40 sport1

  8. čeština said on November 16, 2014 at 11:28 pm

    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport5 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport6 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport7 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport8 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport9 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport10 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport11 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport12 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport13 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport14 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport15 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport16 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport17 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport18 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport19 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport20 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport21 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport22 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport23 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport24 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport25 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport26 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport27 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport28 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport29 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport30 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport31 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport32 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport33 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport34 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport35 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport36 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport37 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport38 Sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport39 sport1
    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000 sport40 sport1

  9. čeština said on November 16, 2014 at 10:14 pm

    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000

    F: dream sport1
    F: dream2 sport1
    F: dream3 Sport1
    F: dream4 sport1
    F: dream5 sport1
    F: dream6 sport1
    F: dream7 Sport1
    F: dream8 sport1
    F: dream9 sport1
    F: dream10 sport1
    F: dream11 sport1
    F: dream12 Sport1
    F: dream13 sport1
    F: dream14 sport1
    F: dream15 sport1
    F: dream16 Sport1
    F: dream17 sport1
    F: dream1 sport1
    F: dream18 sport1
    F: dream19 Sport1
    F: dream20 sport1
    F: dream21 sport1
    F: dream22 sport1
    F: dream23 Sport1
    F: dream24 sport1
    F: dream25 sport1
    F: dream26 sport1
    F: dream27 sport1
    F: dream28 Sport1
    F: dream29 sport1
    F: dream30 sport1
    F: dream31 sport1
    F: dream32 Sport1
    F: dream33 sport1

  10. Dave fairclough said on November 16, 2014 at 12:22 pm

    Does any body know of a good provider I’ll pay 100 pound per year but the quality needs to be excellent and european as well

    Also can some one explain the term channels going black ?
    I desperately want sky primafila but I lost it 8 months or so ago and no one seems to do it why? Please explain but I need a reliable provider not idiots who do there own card and sell thousands so nothing but freeze

    Many thanks
    Dave fairclough

    • seca said on November 18, 2014 at 6:54 pm

      Dave fairclough
      your question

      Also can some one explain the term channels going black ?

      if you change channel and you get nothing
      what colour is your screen

      mine is black

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