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CCcam & Newcam line tester

*If you click the above button, the green lines will be published in the free cccam servers section of this website.

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What is Testious?

Testious is a web application built to test multiple cccam and newcam lines at once.

How it works?

Insert the lines in the textarea, click the process button and wait for the results. Testious will then connect to each line and report its status to you.

Alternatively, you can use the second input box to get the shares available for a single c-line.

What lines can be tested?

Testious accepts c-lines and n-lines in cccam format:

C-line syntax:

C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password>
e.g. C: yourhost.dyndns.org 12000 user pass

N-line syntax:

N: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <deskey>
e.g. N: yourhost.dyndns.org 1234 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

The results

The tested lines are printed according to the following color codes:

Good lines. User/pass is correct but for CCcam v2.0.11 and below, the line may be in use.
Good lines but already in use by someone else. Works only with CCcam v2.1.0 and greater.
Wrong credentials. Bad username/password.
Dead host or too slow. Host not responding in the allowed time or syntax error.

Additionally, testious will append the cccam version or the available share at the end of the line.

  1. stelian said on November 21, 2014 at 10:16 pm

    C: cococosty.homepc.it 12345 sanciu12 test
    C: cococosty.homepc.it 12345 sanciu13 test
    C: cococosty.homepc.it 12345 sanciu14 test
    C: cococosty.homepc.it 12345 sanciu16 test…………


  2. Manuel said on November 21, 2014 at 9:36 pm

    Hola a todos como puedo saber que me abre

    N: 34000 tb.sytes.net test0608 pswd0609 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 # 00

    • Manuel said on November 21, 2014 at 9:37 pm

      Hola a todos como puedo saber que me abre esta línea

      N: 34000 tb.sytes.net test0608 pswd0609 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 # 00

  3. alex said on November 21, 2014 at 6:31 pm

    hello, has anyone C line taquilla, skyselect, Primafila, skyboxoffice uk?

  4. Moosa Khattak said on November 21, 2014 at 1:54 pm

    can anybody provide be bein sport eutelsat 25b cline?

  5. čeština said on November 20, 2014 at 11:16 pm

    C: jakub031.ddns.net 22000

    F: sat-supreme tring
    F: sat-supreme1 tring
    F: sat-supreme2 tring
    F: sat-supreme3 tring
    F: sat-supreme4 tring
    F: sat-supreme5 tring
    F: sat-supreme6 tring
    F: sat-supreme7 tring
    F: sat-supreme8 tring
    F: sat-supreme9 tring
    F: sat-supreme10 tring
    F: sat-supreme11 tring
    F: sat-supreme12 tring
    F: sat-supreme13 tring
    F: sat-supreme14 tring
    F: sat-supreme15 tring
    F: sat-supreme16 tring
    F: sat-supreme17 tring
    F: sat-supreme18 tring
    F: sat-supreme19 tring
    F: sat-supreme20 tring
    F: sat-supreme21 tring
    F: sat-supreme22 tring
    F: sat-supreme23 tring
    F: sat-supreme24 tring
    F: sat-supreme25 tring
    F: sat-supreme26 tring
    F: sat-supreme28 tring
    F: sat-supreme27 tring
    F: sat-supreme29 tring
    F: sat-supreme30 tring
    F: sat-supreme31 tring
    F: sat-supreme32 tring
    F: sat-supreme33 tring
    F: sat-supreme34 tring

  6. m.h said on November 20, 2014 at 9:43 pm

    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup74 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup99 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup73 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup76 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup4 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup53 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup92 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup43 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup56 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup87 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup90 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup72 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892
    C: dj-satforever.no-ip.org 20000 dj-cup81 dj-sat.com # v2.0.11-2892 NOT WORKING

    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_19 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_18 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_17 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_20 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_21 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_22 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_27 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_28 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_29 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_30 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_31 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_33 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_34 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_35 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_36 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_38 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_37 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_39 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_46 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_45 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_41 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_42 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_44 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_47 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_49 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_50 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_51 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971
    C: cccam.bigsat.fr 12346 9699_52 www.bigsat.fr # v2.2.1-2971 NOT WORKING

    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558840 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558868 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558860 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558869 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558841 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558838 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558862 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558871 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558870 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558872 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558866 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558849 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558861 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558865 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558864 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558863 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558859 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558867 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558856 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558857 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558855 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558853 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558858 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558851 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558852 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558848 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558846 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558854 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558847 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558844 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558843 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558842 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558845 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558895 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa5588100 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558897 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558896 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558899 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558828 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558898 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558832 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558831 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558830 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558837 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558829 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558835 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165
    C: hacksat.ddns.net 16000 aa558834 hack-sat.com # v2.1.3-3165 NOT WORKING

  7. George said on November 20, 2014 at 8:26 pm

    C: 15835 1rdcq2 t3x0d7

  8. kem pully said on November 20, 2014 at 5:31 pm

    C lines Available to test !!
    Pm or email me !!

  9. barry said on November 20, 2014 at 11:27 am

    can u help cline needed barryhamm1575@gmail.com

  10. stelian said on November 19, 2014 at 10:26 pm

    C: cococosty.homepc.it 12345 sanciu1 test
    C: cococosty.homepc.it 12345 sanciu2 test
    C: cococosty.homepc.it 12345 sanciu3 test
    C: cococosty.homepc.it 12345 sanciu4 test
    C: cococosty.homepc.it 12345 sanciu5 test
    C: cococosty.homepc.it 12345 sanciu6 test
    C: cococosty.homepc.it 12345 sanciu7 test
    C: cococosty.homepc.it 12345 sanciu8 test….
    ……..digitv rominia focus rominia meo-zon portugal freesat……
    …….que está interessado em entrar no email consty.buium@sapo.pt ……
    …….cine e interesat intra pe emailul consty.buium@sapo.pt……

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