*If you click the above button, the green lines will be published in the free cccam servers section of this website.
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Testious is a web application built to test multiple cccam and newcam lines at once.
Insert the lines in the textarea, click the process button and wait for the results. Testious will then connect to each line and report its status to you.
Alternatively, you can use the second input box to get the shares available for a single c-line.
Testious accepts c-lines and n-lines in cccam format:
C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password>
e.g. C: yourhost.dyndns.org 12000 user pass
N: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <deskey>
e.g. N: yourhost.dyndns.org 1234 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
The tested lines are printed according to the following color codes:
Good lines but already in use by someone else. Works only with CCcam v2.1.0 and greater.
Wrong credentials. Bad username/password.
Dead host or too slow. Host not responding in the allowed time or syntax error.
Additionally, testious will append the cccam version or the available share at the end of the line.
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cccam xtremcode.club Sur google searche! said on September 29, 2018 at 6:23 pm
SVP 1 USER 2 Banned ip after 48H
steve said on September 29, 2018 at 9:46 am
looking for test line
cccam xtremcode.club Sur google searche! said on September 29, 2018 at 4:02 am
c: s1.dvbs1.ga 21100 1USR1 www.dvbs1.ga
== 100 User
c: s1.dvbs1.ga 21100 1USR100 www.dvbs1.ga
lorenzo said on September 27, 2018 at 11:51 am
C: S1.Autoccam.tk.com 4662 BDght1 www.Autoccam.tk
C: S1.Autoccam.tk.com 4662 BDht100 www.Autoccam.tk
C: S2.Autoccam.tk 4772 ODhlm1 www.Autoccam.tk
C: S2.Autoccam.tk.com 4772 ODhlm100 www.Autoccam.tk
C: S3.Autoccam.tk 4882 PCedx1 www.Autoccam.tk
C: S3.Autoccam.tk.com 4882 PCedx100 www.Autoccam.tk
amazing-cccam said on September 25, 2018 at 6:27 pm
C: amazing-cccam.ddns.net 12000 K1 www.amazing-cccam.com
C: amazing-cccam.ddns.net 12000 El http://www.sharing-server.vip.tn
lorenzo said on September 25, 2018 at 5:34 pm
C: kmediaserv.hopto.org 17000 kmedia wekend
C: 350 563538 cccamcuatrolatas.ml
C: 450 563538 cccamcuatrolatas.ml
C: 350 183745 cccamcuatrolatas.ml
C: 450 183745 cccamcuatrolatas.ml
testious11 said on September 11, 2018 at 9:11 pm
C: chzhbsqt.spyip.net 1003 21396nmp 2yl1r1nt
C: lx76jo2x.xserver.su 1003 iiqqs28d 9ku9cgga
C: homeserver2017.com 14444 UgY8jXwr85b8g-814 8Ae65ys83E99u
C: b3.vipmgcamd.com 2004 tfk386 345571
C: aex1vipi.cserver.tv 1003 qul3a5xf 5ndhj0uj
C: bazuca30.dyndns.org 25000 joca122 joca111
C: a.footballfun.info 13333 shears1 shaers1room
C: racemachine.dyndns.org 12224 Race84 10022016
C: newking.mysql.tv 12001 newvip32 x043e3
C: lx76jo2x.xserver.su 1003 iiqqs28d 9ku9cgga
C: bestshow.iptf.me 7001 best669 X27J33 # v2.0.11-2892
C: speedserver.myftp.ws 15000 speedcccam269 J75l1z
C: bemhd.dyndns.org 12000 oolgun oolgun
C: 53053 bokipan GeoForum
baynako said on September 26, 2018 at 9:55 pm
nice work thx
testious11 said on September 11, 2018 at 9:09 pm
Servor cccam actif 11 – 09 – 18
C: 444 september11 september11
C: 444 september11 september11
C: 350 608819 y633x3
C: 450 608819 y633x3
C: bigcccam.hopto.org 19000 kmedia samiro
testious11 said on September 11, 2018 at 9:06 pm
C: 350 608819 y633x3
C: 450 608819 y633x3
C: free.duniasatelit.com 14999 tidakdijual 14514412250033
C: free.duniasatelit.com 19999 tidakdijual 14514412250033
C: rami2rdi-sat.tk 25513 cccamd1561 710224
joee said on September 11, 2018 at 6:19 pm
C: star1.ddnz.space 61113 11starzcqG7Q kQN1wrR6Tn
C: star2.ddnz.space 61113 11starzcqG7Q kQN1wrR6Tn
C: star3.ddnz.space 61113 11starzcqG7Q kQN1wrR6Tn
Que las disfruten!!