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CCcam & Newcam line tester

*If you click the above button, the green lines will be published in the free cccam servers section of this website.

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What is Testious?

Testious is a web application built to test multiple cccam and newcam lines at once.

How it works?

Insert the lines in the textarea, click the process button and wait for the results. Testious will then connect to each line and report its status to you.

Alternatively, you can use the second input box to get the shares available for a single c-line.

What lines can be tested?

Testious accepts c-lines and n-lines in cccam format:

C-line syntax:

C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password>
e.g. C: yourhost.dyndns.org 12000 user pass

N-line syntax:

N: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <deskey>
e.g. N: yourhost.dyndns.org 1234 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

The results

The tested lines are printed according to the following color codes:

Good lines. User/pass is correct but for CCcam v2.0.11 and below, the line may be in use.
Good lines but already in use by someone else. Works only with CCcam v2.1.0 and greater.
Wrong credentials. Bad username/password.
Dead host or too slow. Host not responding in the allowed time or syntax error.

Additionally, testious will append the cccam version or the available share at the end of the line.

  1. ultimate said on April 24, 2013 at 5:41 pm

    hi friends anyone could send me cccam for bulsatcom (idrizzenun@gmail.com) advance thanks

  2. mann said on April 24, 2013 at 12:13 pm

    1 cline 1 ip

    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 biMk2SS2gjkf rugDDhrgff # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 bik2SS2kf rugDff44 # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 bik2SS002gjkf rugEDhrjgff # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 bik2SS2gf rugDEEDjgff # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 bikL rugDEEOgff # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 bala1 12dd345 # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 bik2SWWS2gjkf rugDEEhrjgff # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 babbb1 12D12845 # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 b333ala1 12ddAA345 # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 b111ala1 12dFFFFd345 # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 b1Ola1 12OO # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 b1BBla1 1344Fd345 # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 bGRGRG 1NNHNHN # v2.0.11-2892
    C: lello78.dyndns-home.com 12000 bik2SS2gjkf rugDEEgff # v2.0.11-2892

  3. SAM said on April 24, 2013 at 10:15 am

    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 vsvkhr uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 nuxq9f uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 avbx0s uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 xjylng uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 l3xht6 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 ia75y9 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 as42b3 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 gkgy6q uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 rd3f3h uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 xus9pw uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 t95xfo uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 uribej uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 64uccr uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 psws8q uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 23twxk uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 ehsmir uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 6fw61l uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 4jvu3e uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 pc9xum uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 csgbct uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 m2od73 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 mh2pr3 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 rnpppo uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 lbjsfn uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 lim7a4 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 7x54n7 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 21hg3i uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 8hfy2l uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 10qxul uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 sw8qi4 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 iychwt uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 tu9gn5 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 b8kbv7 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 9c8xsp uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 lvc69n uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 voj1kk uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 jb7yla uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 7ps41p uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 yw6ir5 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 chh03e uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 t0sd0j uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 udgrod uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 2svlo5 uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 4aninv uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 beio7e uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 nbshtk uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 txjr5b uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 442v5y uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 2v5w5b uydulife.tv
    C: uydulife.dyndns.biz 25000 o6i6bw uydulife.tv

  4. SAM said on April 24, 2013 at 10:15 am

    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma20 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma30 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma29 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma28 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma27 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma26 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma25 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma24 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma23 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma22 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma21 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma19 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma18 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma17 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma16 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma15 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma14 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma13 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma12 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma11 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma10 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma7 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma2 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma9 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma8 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma5 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma6 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma4 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma3 the1arb.com
    C: the1arb.zapto.org 12000 mohausma1 the1arb.com

  5. kamel said on April 23, 2013 at 11:49 pm

    bonjour je cherche ames charitable pour une c:line longue c: line longue durée avec les bouquets suivant si possible bis , canalsat , tnt ,orange et telesat
    d avance un tout tout grand merci pour votre genérositée
    vous pouvez m envoyer vos c:line a cette adresse
    khamsat@hotmail.com encore une fois milles mercis

  6. ArmendM said on April 23, 2013 at 10:39 pm

    Take a CLINE fast… Use it .. no limit 🙂 .. FULL HD..

    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend41 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend42 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend43 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend45 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend44 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend46 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend47 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend48 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend49 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend50 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend51 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend52 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend53 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend54 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend55 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend56 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend57 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend58 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend59 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend60 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend61 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend63 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend64 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend66 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend65 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend67 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend68 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend69 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend70 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend71 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend72 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend73 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend74 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend75 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend76 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend77 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend78 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend79 Lora # v2.1.3-3165
    C: lora-armend.no-ip.org 34500 armend80 Lora # v2.1.3-3165

  7. george said on April 23, 2013 at 10:12 pm

    C: hallouz.no-ip.biz 21000 nassim20 topetimes # v2.1.1-2971
    C: hallouz.no-ip.biz 21000 nassim19 topetimes # v2.1.1-2971
    C: hallouz.no-ip.biz 21000 nassim18 topetimes # v2.1.1-2971
    C: hallouz.no-ip.biz 21000 nassim17 topetimes # v2.1.1-2971
    C: hallouz.no-ip.biz 21000 nassim16 topetimes # v2.1.1-2971
    C: hallouz.no-ip.biz 21000 nassim15 topetimes # v2.1.1-2971
    C: hallouz.no-ip.biz 21000 nassim14 topetimes # v2.1.1-2971
    C: hallouz.no-ip.biz 21000 nassim12 topetimes # v2.1.1-2971
    C: hallouz.no-ip.biz 21000 nassim13 topetimes # v2.1.1-2971
    C: hallouz.no-ip.biz 21000 nassim10 topetimes # v2.1.1-2971

  8. Emilio said on April 23, 2013 at 8:50 pm

    Please, I need a stable and durable cline ccam for spanish digital +

  9. george said on April 23, 2013 at 8:13 pm

    C: vps-boukh.zapto.org 14000 cccam26 star7arab # v2.0.11-2892
    C: vps-boukh.zapto.org 14000 cccam25 star7arab # v2.0.11-2892
    C: vps-boukh.zapto.org 14000 cccam27 star7arab # v2.0.11-2892
    C: vps-boukh.zapto.org 14000 cccam29 star7arab # v2.0.11-2892
    C: vps-boukh.zapto.org 14000 cccam28 star7arab # v2.0.11-2892
    C: vps-boukh.zapto.org 14000 cccam30 star7arab # v2.0.11-2892

  10. george said on April 23, 2013 at 8:04 pm

    C: avatartn.sytes.net 13501 sofien 777 # v2.0.11-2892
    C: samir-germany.dyndns.org 15289 aziz azizx1 # v2.0.11-2892
    C: startcccam1.ufcfan.org 13000 fast86 ccam64hi # v2.0.11-2892
    C: samir-vps.dyndns.org 15289 aziz azizx1 # v2.0.11-2892
    C: gbox-oscam.dyndns.tv 14000 ago.zap ago.zap1 # v2.0.11-2892
    C: king100.no-ip.info 12000 neil12 neil12 # v2.0.11-2892

1 92 93 94 95 96 911

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